A Quick Recommendation

A Quick Recommendation

This week has been a week of illness and displacement, as the entire back section of our house is being rebuilt – so I’ve been slow with writing up my blog post! So today I thought I’d send out a little recommendation (for those who haven’t seen it already) for a fantastic Bible app for kids, called ….. Bible for Kids app (clever), before sending a more detailed post later in the week.


This little app is a wonderful goldmine for children. It contains simple, animated and interactive re-tellings of Bible stories in bright, Disney colours, with great little questions to answer, things to collect and funny animals. You can choose whether to read the text yourself, or have it read the story aloud. This app is great on a phone, and really great on a bigger-scale iPad or laptop. Hours of fun, seriously. And it affords some valuable child-occupation minutes whilst teaching them about the Bible, and therefore guilt-free on the children-using-technology scale (up there with the CBeebies and Peppa Pig app which I’m sure are educational). Enjoy!